Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Being Distracted

Isn't it funny how little it takes to get us distracted? Not funny "ha ha," but funny "good grief." So about three weeks ago I have a stomach bug for a couple of days, the Lauren gets it, and then Maylee runs a fever for a couple of days. The next thing I know, it's been three weeks and I haven't posted to my blog that I was "absolutely committed" to making happen. I have gone from working out 6 times a week to maybe 4 times in 3 weeks. My diet has gone south. Why? Because I got sick? I guess.

Why is it that bad habits are the default position? Why don't I start having better habits when I get sick? The draw to laziness, sloth and undisciplined life is very strong. Unfortunately it is that way in our walks with God as well. We need to be on guard to the small everyday things that can distract and derail us. We need to commit that we will not let small changes in our routine cause major meltdowns. How? Well, if this were Sunday School, the answer would be: Jesus, Bible, pray. First, let us not minimize the stereotypical answer. We need God more than we realize, we need to pray, we need His word. But what about when it is those disciplines that we so desperately need to get back? Well, we also need each other. We need accountability, friendship--real friends who can pick us up when we fall and kick us when we need it.

Be that kind of friend and recruit your "buddies" to be that kind of friend to you as well.


Monday, February 2, 2009

It's a Good Problem to Have

I have heard that a lot over the last couple of years. I am the lead pastor at the Cabot campus of Fellowship Bible Church. We have experienced a lot of growth and most of the challenges that we have had come from growth--not enough kid's space, crowded worship center. We most recently had to move out of our offices and convert them into a nursery (not for plants, but babies). So now my office is wherever my laptop and I happen to be (right now, the Fireside Cafe at LR campus). When I talk about that, someone (with an office, of course) will say "that's a good problem to have." I have chosen, "there are worse problems to have." I have a hard time associating the word "good" with "problem." Unless of course we are talking about math, then a good problem is one that is challenging, but not impossible or overly obtuse. "Get to the point, Nerd-boy." Sorry.

Some problems are good. Challenges that arise because of God's blessings would be in that category. Problems that result in strengthening our relationship with Him, draw us closer to Him, strengthen our character would be more. My problem is that I think of good as being equivalent to my personal enjoyment. If that is true, no problems are good. But good is what a good God chooses to use in my life to accomplish great things in and through me.
