Saturday, January 31, 2009

Competitiveness and Girl's Basketball

"It's only a game." I tell myself that all the time. I really want to believe it, but I just can't make myself believe it. I have been coaching my older daughter, Maylee's basketball team for five years. We are a part of this program called Upward Basketball which is a Christian sports ministry. It's meant to reduce competitiveness and make it more about the kids having fun. I know some people aren't into that, believing that we need to teach kids that losing is part of life. I get that. I think it helps me more than them. I want to win so badly. They only start keeping score in third grade, so this is the third season we've kept score. Lauren's team starts that next year (sigh). During that time we put together a 17 game win streak. Two undefeated seasons and one win this year, before the streak ended. (We've won 2 in a row since then, even though it doesn't matter, right?)

Anyway, I get so worked up. I want our team to win. I stand there and stew on the sidelines wanting to say something to the ref, but I can't. I can see the headline now, "Local Pastor Ejected After Tirade at Christian Basketball Game." That would not be good.

I have spent so much energy in my life, trying to not be competitive or to be less competitive. I wonder if this is like putting up fans to blow on the sun to keep it from rising. What I am coming to realize that this is how God made me. I am conqueror. What I do, I want to do well. Being second best at something has never been ok, whether it's sports, school, work/church, I want to be the best. Is that necessarily sinful? I don't think so. I think if it leads us to cheat, to covet, to wish harm on others, to anger, then it becomes sinful. The drive for excellence was placed in me. The desire to win or conquer is what makes me a man. This is what we are.

Rather than trying to stop the inevitable, I need to soften the rough edges, and channel this energy in the right direction (Like next week's game, where we get a rematch against the "1" in 19-1)


Friday, January 30, 2009

Duggar Wedding and Overly Sentimental Dad

Heidi and our girls are watching the Duggar Wedding on TV right now. They are the stars of the 17 and Counting show on TLC. This is the family with all the kids that live in Springdale. It sounds like they are enjoying the show, but I just can't do it. I know that Maylee is only 11, but I struggle with weddings now. I have been a crier for some time now, but all the more when it involves my girls. Some day that will be me walking my girls down an aisle and handing them over to some boy.

Heidi thinks there is no way I will be able to perform their weddings. She says I will be a blubbering mess. She is probably right.

How cool is this family though? This couple never kissed until the wedding and are so committed to purity and to each other. I wonder if TLC is subtly attempting to mock them, but this family's commitment to God and to each other is really unmockable. (Obviously I am watching some of it, but I head out if I feel sentimantility creeping in.

Initial Ramblings

I must say that this is new to me. You hear about blogging, social networking, etc. At first you don't get it, but then (for some) something clicks and you get it. This is where a lot of people connect, where people come to learn and where people come to be inspired. I hope that is what we can do.

Those of you who know me, probably can guess what you can expect from this blog. Much of it will be spiritual--thoughts that God is giving me about how we can walk more closely with Him and how we can connect better with each other. You should also expect some random humor and pop culture references (I have had Faithfully by Journey in my head today. Have you seen the Filipino new lead singer they have? He sounds just like Steve Perry. It's amazing. Here he is ) See that's what you'll get. You will also have to endure many ramblings about the awesome family that I have, an incredible wife and two precious daughters. They mean the world to me and they are God's second best gift to me (behind His Son), and are significantly more than I deserve.

I hope that you will come back and I hope that you will comment. I look forward to this. (I think)
