Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Answered Prayer

Something great happened when I was at FBCLR on Sunday. A couple that I had never met came down to talk to me in between services. They had heard me preach there a few weeks earlier on boldly praying to God instead of the wishy-washy prayers that we often pray. The husband had been suffering from major complications to a relatively simple procedure. For six months, they had been told by every doctor that they had no idea how to treat him. They had been draining some nasty stuff out of him, about a liter a day. After the sermon, they rallied their community group to pray differently and to ask God to heal. A couple of weeks later, there was no more drainage. The doctors could not understand that or explain it. He came back two days later and still no drainage. At that moment the doctor pulled out the tube and said he didn't need that anymore and that he was fine.

No treatment, no explanation. Simply the hand of God moving in their lives.

I loved hearing that story. The looks on their faces were priceless. I could see in them a deepening love and trust in a God that loves them very much.

Do you have a story like that? Let's hear it.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Sermon Discussion "I See You Are Very Religious"

Hey everyone, here is where we will be discussing the sermon on Sunday. What are your thoughts and questions about other religions? Is there something that came up on Sunday that you have questions about or you want to comment about?

Do you feel God calling you to missions? to share your faith? Do you need to give your life to God for the first time?

We would love to hear from you. As we discuss, let's be loving and respectful toward one another.

Charlie LoftenThe Cabot Guy

P.S. I will posting some further thoughts on this later, but would love to hear from you.